Event Summary
OSSGA has announced an all-new online format for the 2021 OPHS Seminar. In the face of challenging times, OSSGA believes it is more important than ever to talk about operational changes and the health and safety needs of the industry. Therefore, please join fellow industry members to engage in their online program to address how we can work together to keep sites operating and keep health and safety practices at the forefront. This is not your run of the mill zoom session! This is a high-end virtual platform allowing us to interact in new ways.
While the online format is not the same as in-person, OSSGA is still bringing you incredible speakers, hot topics and key information you need!
McLanahan Sponsoring OSSGA Roundtable Discussion
Join Matthew Lear, McLanahan Regional Sales Manager, during one of the two special round table sessions on the agenda.
When you attend a round table, you will be automatically entered into a draw for a $1,000 Visa Gift Card. If you attend both round table sessions, you will get two entries into the draw increasing your chance of winning.
Session Information
Roundtable 1 | 9:45am - 10:05am
Roundtable 2 | 2:10pm - 2:30pm
Roundtable Winner Drawing | 2:40pm - 2:45pm
Meet The Team
Reserve a time slot with an industry expert.