Event Summary
The OSSGA Operations, Health & Safety Seminar is an incredible two days of presentations on the latest industry updates in operations and health & safety.
This year's topics include:
- High Wall Safety
- Managing Generational Employee Gaps
- Electronic Drive Loaders
- Violence, Harassment and Respect in the Workplace
- Relevance of Safety Audits through Smartphone Aps
- Fatality Prevention and Critical Control Management
- Screen Media Safety
- Tire Wear, Safety and Sustainability
- Guarding and Vibration
- And much more...
McLanahan's Role
McLanahan will be set up in Booth 8 of the exhibition hall. Networking sessions are slotted throughout each day's schedule. Guarantee a meeting with Joel Walstrom by contacting him today at jwalstrom@mclanahan.com
Networking with Exhibitors Session Times
Wed., Jan. 23
- 7:30am-8:30am | Breakfast with Exhibitors
- 10:35am-11:05am | Coffee Break and Networking
- 12:20pm-1:00pm | Reception and Networking
- 2:30pm-3:00pm | Dessert and Networking
- 4:30pm-5:30pm | Reception and Networking
Thurs., Jan. 24
- 8:00am-8:40am | Breakfast with Exhibitors
- 10:00am-11:00am | Coffee Break and Networking
- 12:15pm-12:45pm | Reception and Networking
Meet The Team
Reserve a time slot with an industry expert.

Manager of Materials Testing Lab