
Portable Ultra Fines Recovery System Recovers Finest Size Fraction Without Chemicals

Hollidaysburg, Pa., March 26, 2020 - McLanahan's Portable Ultra Fines Recovery System, or simply Portable UFR, is a combination of field-proven equipment, including a Sump, Pump, Hydrocyclones and a Dewatering Screen, on a truck chassis that can easily be moved from site to site. Portable UFRs are built to be easily set up and torn down. They are specifically designed to recover nominally +400 mesh (38µm) solids from a wash plant effluent stream.

The fines that are removed become a conveyable, stackable product for industries including sand, coal recovery, ash, industrial sands, frac sand and more. UFRs, including those designed to be portable, provide the finest size fraction recovery available without the use of chemicals. This saves producers money when dealing with ponds by sending less tons per hour of fines into the pond every day. It is also an ideal system for producers who face strict permitting requirements and have limited land resources. 

McLanahan Corporation provides proven processing solutions backed by its renowned service and support. For more information, contact