Sand-Manure Separators
A McLanahan Sand-Manure Separator is used primarily to separate and wash bedding sand. It can be used with nearly any type of manure conveyance system.
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A McLanahan Sand-Manure Separator is used primarily to separate and wash bedding sand. It can be used with nearly any type of manure conveyance system.
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Sand-Manure Separators are the heart of the McLanahan Sand–Manure separation systems. They are used to settle out and wash bedding sand, and can be set up in multiple ways depending on the type of manure conveyance system on the dairy. In some cases, the sand-laden manure from the alleys is loaded directly into the Sand-Manure Separators, where bedding sand is settled out and washed. On a dairy where flush water is used to move the manure and sand bedding, the Sand-Manure Separator is used to wash the sand after it has been settled out either in a McLanahan Channel System or scooped from a sand lane. In all cases, the Sand-Manure Separator produces a clean, reusable sand bedding product with minimal organic content, suitable for reuse as recycled sand bedding.
The McLanahan Sand-Manure Separator is provided as part of a larger sand separation and washing system. The operation of the Sand-Manure Separator depends on the type of system into which it has been installed.
McLanahan offers the most complete line of sand and manure processing equipment designed specifically to meet the needs of sand bedded dairies. We were the ones to pioneer mechanical sand separation and make it economical for dairy farmers, and we still lead the way with multiple different sand separation solutions for dairies.
The patented Sand-Manure Separator is the workhorse within the sand separation system. The design of this machine began with McLanahan's extensive knowledge and experience working in the aggregate and mining industries. This knowledge was used to develop a Sand-Manure Separator that will last a long time under harsh, abrasive working environments and can be easily serviced with minimal downtime. It uses the same double-sealed lower bearing assembly as used in the aggregate industry to support the screw shaft. Urethane flighting offers the highest level of abrasion protection available and can be replaced when necessary. A unique overflow weir system retains the highest level of sand in the machine while removing fibers, manure and water to create a high-quality sand product.
Sand-Manure Separators are available in several different sizes, depending on the herd size, required hours of operation and system type. McLanahan employs a technical team of experts who specialize in working with dairies and helping them come up with the most efficient and economical sand separation system for their dairy.
Yes, you should use a readily available, washed concrete sand because it meets particle size requirements. Consult this chart to determine if your sand falls within this particle range. If you need additional guidance, call your supplier or contact us to analyze your sand in our lab.
This depends on several different factors. One of the most important factors is the sand type. Using a washed concrete sand is the most important step in achieving high recovery. Other factors include proper system management and the quality of your recycled (dilution) water. It’s common to achieve more than 90% sand recovery with the properly designed and managed sand separation system.
Generally speaking, fresh water is only added into the separation process at the spray bar for rinsing the sand. These amounts vary, but the average usage per machine can be found in this chart. In some Sand Lane Systems, fresh water is added to the washerbox for cleaning the sand. In these cases, the fresh water usage can be as high as 200 gpm but is used only for short periods of time.
Four different sizes are currently available, depending on the system type and herd size. Here are several charts showing sizes and approximate capacities.
A Sand-Manure Separator requires a relatively small amount of power compared to the other parts of a manure management system. To see how much horsepower it requires and how it compares to other equipment in a manure system, click here.
Sand from each of these systems is clean and reusable.